Legal Translations

The legal translations provided by our office aim to meet and exceed customer needs and to do so they are carried out by translators specialized in the legislation of each country. In addition, our team of legal translators and editors has been certified in legal terminology by the European Law Students Association program and by the TUV HELLAS Editors Certification Program, demonstrating in that way the capacity to provide exceptional quality of legal translation services.
Our office can also guarantee the accuracy of its legal translations through the use of the extensive legal terminology memory banks it has built on its more than 10 years of experience in legal translations of any kind.
An indicative list of legal translation projects carried out by our office includes:
- Lawsuit translations
- Procedures translations
- Arbitration translations
- Rights translations
- Patent translations
- Commercial Law translations
- Authority translations
- Company Law translations
- Statutes translations
- Legal Texts translations
- Property translations
- Appeals translations
- Agreement translations
- Disclaimer translations
- Wills translations
- International Law translations
- Judgments translations
- Public Offerings translations
- Trademark translations
- Extrajudicial translations
- Witness Statement translations
- Subpoena translations
- Certifications translations
- Criminal Records translations
- Contracts translations